Study Series 14 Lesson 1: In order for us to understand the nature and timing of the Parousia and resurrection it is imperative for us to study into the promises God made through the Old Testament, as God is not like a man that He should change, and He declared that all of His promises would be fulfilled. It is imperative for us if we are to properly understand prophecy, that we understand the context, the audience relevance, and the culture and worldview of Old Covenant Israel to whom He spoke through His prophets. Getting a solid foundation into this will lead us into the New Testament with a good grounding into seeing the quotes and references and fulfillment promises of Jesus Christ and the Apostles.
Paul is emphatic in Galatians 3 and 4, Ephesians 2, Rom. 9 – 11 (as well as elsewhere) that God was fulfilling all of His promises, and he and the other Apostles (through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit were providing the nature and timing. All of the promises were to be fulfilled as God had declared, and it was to true spiritual Israel to whom they were made (no longer a separation between Jew/Gentile, but all who believe in Christ are the true Israel of God). I am sure this study will provide some clarity on several passages which may have been perplexing in the past. This first Lesson 1 will provide a good foundation for the next interlinked lessons in this Study Series.
Full “Study Series” PDF (Available upon request if not hyperlinked. Please email me)
Listen to the weekly Bible study audio:
(Audio recordings: these audios from this Study Series are complete and you can hear everyone. This series was recorded from one of my earlier Bible study groups in 2018. I am using the audios from this earlier Bible study group, instead of the most recent group, because when I taught Study Series 10 – 14 Lesson 4 with the most recent group they were all recorded after March 2020 (start of Covid), and at the time of those audio recording we had transitioned from meeting in person to online Zoom Bible studies, and it was unknown at that time that when people on Zoom read the scripture or spoke it was not recorded through our recording device. That resulted in there being a gap of silence every time someone on Zoom read a scripture or spoke. Unfortunately, this was not realized until March 2022 after completing Study Series 14 Lesson 4. This was then rectified and from Study Series 14 Lesson 5 going forward all of the audio recordings are from my most recent group again.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7