ANGELS are created beings. They are messengers and are spirits. The Hebrew word for ANGEL is “malak” (Strong’s #4397), which means a “messenger.” It is also used sometimes to mean a prophet, priest, teacher, ambassador, or king. The Greek word for ANGEL is “angelos” (Strong’s #32), which means a “messenger.”
The faith of God’s people in His New Covenant Church is something that was prophesied in the Scriptures and was manifested in the first century through the preaching of the gospel. It is something that even the angels desired to understand.
“12To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven — THINGS WHICH ANGELS DESIRE TO LOOK INTO.” (1 Pet. 1:12).
(A) HOLY ANGELS are created beings, superior to humans on earth, and who are always serving God (Heb. 2:7; Psa. 8:5; Psa. 103:20). They do not have physical bodies of flesh and blood like man does. But they can assume human form when necessary. They are referred to as elect angels (1 Tim. 5:21). They are sent forth by God to minister to faithful saints. (Heb. 1:14; Heb. 13:2; Psa. 91:11). When Christ returned in glory at His second coming Parousia in AD 66-70, the Holy Angels came with Him (Matt. 25:31; Mark 8:38: Luke 9:26).
(B) EVIL ANGELS are created beings that sinned and left their own abode. God reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness in the unseen realm for the judgment of the great day, which judgment was in AD 70 (Jude 1:6; Matt. 25:41; 2 Pet. 2:4; also probably Rom 8:38 一 “principalities”). They are forever in the darkness of unbelief in Christ. They will never repent and move from their state of being in everlasting chains apart from God. They will never experience the wonderful graces of God.