
All GLORY, honor, and praise belong to God.  The word “GLORY” [Greek: “Doxazo“- to magnify, extol, praise] is applicable to GLORIFYING God.  Christ manifests the Father and GLORIFIES the Father.  The Father is said to be GLORIFIED in Christ.  1Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: ‘Father, the hour has come. GLORIFY YOUR SON, THAT YOUR SON ALSO MAY GLORIFY YOU.’”(John 17:1).

Everything that God is and all that He does brings GLORY to Him.  God is GLORIFIED by His creation.  He is GLORIFIED by His words.  He is GLORIFIED by His plans.  He is GLORIFIED by saving all who put their saving faith in His Son.  He is GLORIFIED by all of His works.

Jesus Christ is GLORIFIED in heaven.  He has fulfilled all laws and prophecies; He has defeated all enemies; and He has consummated the salvation of all who put their saving faith in His death/burial/resurrection for the forgiveness of their sins.  When Christ is said to be GLORIFIED it means that His intrinsic glory is made manifest; and it is brought to light.  Christians are GLORIFIED only because they are in Christ.

12That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be GLORIFIED in you, and YOU IN HIM, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.(2 Thess. 1:12).

It is important that Christians realize that they are saved only by the grace of God, through faith.  That grace is a gift of God.  This is so that no one should boast and minimize the GLORY of God.  God’s elect way for salvation is Jesus Christ. He is the only way of salvation. “Christ is the elect One,” and all who put their saving faith in Him are “in Christ,” and thus are part of the elect, being in the “elect One – Christ.”  God GLORIFIES those who put their saving faith “in Christ” for HIS GLORY.

8For by grace you have been SAVED THROUGH FAITH, and THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES; it is the gift of God, 9NOT OF WORK, LEST ANYONE SHOULD BOAST.  10For we are HIS WORKMANSHIP, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND that we should walk in them.(Eph. 2:8-9).