Redemptive-history is a translation of the German term Heilsgeschichte (heil meaning “sacred” and geschichte meaning “history” or “story”). History understood as God’s self revelation to mankind in the person of Jesus Christ, through whom God purposed to show His Holy love to any and all faithful believers, even to the point of sending His Son in their likeness, being tempted and suffering death on the cross, bearing the full penalty of their sins, that they may live in Him through His resurrection from the dead. The life, death, and resurrection of the Savior, being the means of God’s redemptive purpose, was foreshadowed in all of history, specially revealed in the Bible, being fully consummated at His Parousia in AD 66-70 when He reunited His one eternal Kingdom (both the seen realm in the Church and unseen heavenly realm) (Eph. 1:10).
See also related “Topic Studies & Terms”:
“Preterism – Full (Consistent (Individual Body literal rapture View (IBV)))”