
After AD 70, Christ fully established His reunited eternal New Covenant spiritual Kingdom(new heavens and new earth) (Eph. 1:10).  The earthly realm part of the Kingdom consists of all born-again believers in Christ (Church).  The Kingdom is within us believers and we believers are in the spiritual Kingdom by being in Christ by faith.  The Holy Spirit indwells each and every born-again Christian in the Kingdom.  The unseen heavenly realm part of the reunited Kingdom consists of the Triune Godhead, all of the angelic beings, and every faithful believer from Adam, Eve, Abel and all other faithful believer who were waiting in Sheol/Hades, who were all resurrected at Christ’s Parousia in AD 66, to every believer since that time and through today who has died.  Upon physical death every faithful believer since Christ’s Parousia enters the unseen heavenly realm part of the Kingdom immediately with their new, immortal, individual spiritual body.  It is a Kingdom in both realms where only righteousness dwells.

After the rapture of the first century church in AD 66, there were no Christians left on earth.  When Christ completed the Resurrection and Judgments of the just and unjust (Acts 24:15); along with the final destruction of the nation of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, and the temple consummating in AD 70; then the Old Covenant Jewish religious system(part of the old heavens and old earth cosmological order) passed away in God’s plans forever.  Christ had fulfilled the Law, every jot and tittle of it.  The Mosaic Law, the sacrifices, the ceremonies, the feasts, and the special days, they all passed away in His plans (Matt. 5:17-18).

The earthly realm of the eternal New Covenant spiritual Kingdom (Church) began to grow after AD 70, slowly at first (as depicted in Ezek. 47:1-12).  Some of the new Christians would have included these unbelievers who had previously had a “seed” planted within them.  Many would have probably heard the gospel from their deceased or raptured parents or friends, while others would have come to faith after finding the many New Testament Bible scrolls which would have been scattered throughout the Roman Empire.  These new believers would have been born-again in the very same way anyone comes to faith, and then been indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who guided them in truth as they grew as babes in the faith.  They had the completed Canon of the New Testament to instruct them in doctrine.

For the next 1500 years the church was primarily under the control of the Roman Catholic Institution.  The Council of Nicaea was convened in AD 325 by Roman Emperor Constantine and established the Nicene Creed.  The Canon of the Bible was confirmed and the Deity of Christ was supported.

In AD 1517, Martin Luther (1483-1546), a Catholic priest from Germany, published his “Ninety-Five Thesis” against the heresies of the Catholic Institution.  It primarily disputed clergical abuses and the sale of indulgences.  He opposed the Catholic belief in salvation by works; instead of by grace through faith in Christ.

Why a REFORMATION at that time in human history?  It was because the Bible was then available to the people throughout the world in printed form so that they could confirm for themselves what was being taught.  No longer did they have to rely on catholic priests and catholic leaders to tell them what was true and what they must believe.

The Protestant REFORMATION gradually began and the church grew with more solid scriptural doctrinal beliefs.  Certainly as human beings, there were still doctrinal errors formulated along the way.  

For the next 350 years up to our present time in history, Christianity has grown and developed, but unfortunately there has been much divisions and splits in the church over doctrinal issues and church practices.  There are so many different Christian denominations today that it is difficult to count and understand.  Some people use things for evil, but God uses them for good (Gen. 50:20; Isa. 55:8).

Church leaders became more attached to their Creeds, Confessions, Covenants, and man-made rules for membership and worship, so that the Bible is no longer their true and final practicing authority.  They have measured the truth of Scripture against their Creeds, Confessions, and Covenants, rather than the other way around.

Now the time has come for there to be a PROPHECY REFORMATION in the Christian Church.  Most Christian denominations have taught and believe in the FUTURE second coming of Christ.  A PROPHECY REFORMATION, recognizing the PAST second coining Parousia of Christ in AD 66-70, will correct the mistaken belief of futurism and bring the saints back to the Scriptures.

All Creeds, Confessions, Covenants, and man-made rules in the Church must be re­examined and measured by the Scriptures.  If this is understood, there will be more unity in the Church.  There will be a better focus by believer-priests regarding their necessary and active role, not only in the Church, but also in the world today.

Why a PROPHECY REFORMATION at this time in history?  One key factor is that now we have the ability to communicate with one another throughout the entire world as never before.  We are able to research almost any subject, including biblical terms and concepts, as never before in human history.  How are we able to do this now, as never before?  The answer is the “INTERNET”!

Certainly not every use of the internet is for good.  People use things for evil, but God uses them for His purposes.  God has opened up this technology at this time in history.  Each and every Christian can now with little expense, better research and understand fulfilled prophecy.  This can be done on an individual basis without the negativity attached to such study from their church leaders and others.


See also related “Topic Studies & Terms”:

Church (New Beginning – “First Believers” after AD 70)

The Perfect (That Which is Perfect) (1 Corinthians 13:9-12)