Eschatology Study Series

Study Series 1: The Character of God

Study Series 2: Character of God – Why do Tragedies Happen?

Study Series 2b: Character of God – Our Command to: “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Study Series 3: What Happened in the Garden? What was the “Death” promised, and then how was it carried out? How does this pertain to Christ’s Death?

Study Series 4: The Bible: Two Covenants – the Old and the New – the earthly/temporary and the Spiritual/Eternal

Study Series 5: Being a Hebrew: Audience Relevance in the Old Covenant

Study Series 6: The Old Covenant Hebrew in the New Testament

Study Series 7 lesson 1: Matthew 24:1-14

Study Series 7 lesson 2: Matthew 24:15-28

Study Series 7 lesson 3a1, 3a2, 3a3: Matthew fulfillments and Josephus. Chronological arrangement of the 4 Gospels and Olivet Discourse

Study Series 7 lesson 3b and add on: Matthew 16:27-28 (and a Sub Study on Heaven and Earth)

Study Series 7 Lesson 4: Matthew 24:29-31

Study Series 7 lesson 5: Matthew 24:32-44

Study Series 7 lesson 6: Matthew 24:45-51

Study Series 8 Lesson 1: Leviticus 23 – God’s Festal Calendar (Spring Feasts 1-4)

Study Series 8 Lesson 2: Leviticus 23 – God’s Festal Calendar (Fall Feasts 5-7)

Study Series 9 Lesson 1: The Book of Daniel 9 Chpts 1-9 and a Sub Study on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9 vs 24-27

Study Series 9 Lesson 2: The Book of Daniel Chpts 10-12

Study Series 10: Study of 2 Peter 3:1-13 (Sub Studies on Thousand Years; God and Time; Thief in the Night; Elements

Study Series 11: Study of Romans 11 (Sub Studies on A Remnant Shall be Saved; Fullness of the Gentiles; and All Israel Shall be Saved)

Study Series 12: Messianic Temple (Sub Study on Replacement Theology – what is it)

Study Series 13: Walking Worthy Before and AFTER the End of the OC and in the NC Kingdom…New Creation

Study Series 14 Lesson 1: The Parousia – The Resurrection, the One Promised Hope of Israel/Hope of the Church

Study Series 14 Lesson 2: The Parousia – The Resurrection, 1 Cor 15, 2 Cor 5 and Acts 24

Study Series 14 Lesson 3: The Parousia – The Resurrection, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

Study Series 14 Lesson 4: The Parousia – The Resurrection, the Expectations and Experiences

Study Series 14 Lesson 5: The Parousia – the Resurrection – 2 Thessalonians 1

Study Series 14 Lesson 6: The Parousia – The Resurrection, 2 Thessalonians 1…How Can This Have Happened – Answering Objections

Study Series 14 Lesson 7: The Parousia – Acts 1:9-11 – “In Like Manner”

Study Series 15 Lesson 1: Revelation – Introduction, Purpose and Background

Study Series 15 Lesson 2: Revelation – The Parousia, Last Days and The Judgment

Study Series 15 Lesson 3: Revelation – Matthew 13 Parable of the Tares

Study Series 16 Lesson 1: Revelation – Dating, Introduction and Revelation Chpts 1 – 4

Study Series 16 Lesson 2: Revelation – Chapters 5 through 9

Study Series 16 Lesson 3: Revelation – Chapters 10 through 12 also: Sub Study on What/Who is Babylon

Study Series 16 Lesson 4: Revelation – Chapters 13 thru 20 on the Beast also sub study on Man of Sin

Study Series 16 Lesson 5: Revelation – Chapters 14 thru 16 and Sub Study: Armageddon

Study Series 16 Lesson 6: Chapters 17 thru 18 and Sub Study on Mother of Harlots

Study Series 16 Lesson 7 Chapters 19 and 20 and Sub Study on The Wedding

Study Series 16 Lesson 8: Revelation Chapter 20 also Sub Study on The Millennium

Study Series 16 Lesson 9: Revelation Chapter 21

Study Series 16 Lesson 10: Revelation Chapter 22 – Plus Appendix on What This Fulfillment Means for us Today